doesn't work for nons rn but its at 64 lines in the commands section,

gotta treasure this moment
This commit is contained in:
TheTechRobo 2021-06-05 22:08:25 -04:00
parent fb225f9637
commit fd2ec16b86
1 changed files with 24 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -25,11 +25,22 @@ def getuuid(username):
req = requests.get(f"{username}").text
req = json.loads(req)
return req['id']
def translaterank(rank):
# originally i had implemented this with if statements but then i thought of this (i had got up to vip+ with the if statements)
return rank.replace("_"," ").replace("PLUS","+")
def checkapi():
req = requests.get(f"{HYPIXEL_API_KEY}").text
req = json.loads(req)
if req['record']['queriesInPastMin'] >= 120:
return False
async def uuid(ctx, username=None): #TODO: instead of doingusername=None, add an error handler if this doesnt get fulfilled
Gets the UUID of a player. based on their username.
if checkapi() is False:
await ctx.send(_(":warning: Ran out of API queries per minute. Please wait a little while before continuing..."))
return False
status = await ctx.send(_("Loading from API..."))
if username is None:
await status.edit(_("Error: you must specify player name"))
@ -52,15 +63,26 @@ async def hypixel(ctx,player):
Checks overall stats
if checkapi() is False:
await ctx.send(_(":warning: Ran out of API queries per minute. Please wait a little while before continuing..."))
return False
thing = await ctx.send(_("Fetching player data..."))
req = requests.get(f"{getuuid(player)}&key={HYPIXEL_API_KEY}")
contents = json.loads(req.text)
if contents['success'] is False:
await thing.edit(content=_("Invalid player name!"))
contents = contents['player']
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(
except KeyError:
contents['rank'] = contents['newPackageRank']
em = discord.Embed(
title=f"{player}'{_('s Hypixel Stats')}",
footer=_("Thanks for using Hypibot!")).add_field(name="UUID",value=getuuid(player),inline=True))
footer=_("Thanks for using Hypibot!"))
em.add_field(name="Rank", value=translaterank(contents['rank']),inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
# }}}
# {{{ Run bot