import subprocess, json, random, sys, time class DownloadError(RuntimeError): """ Provides the output from Popen.communicate(), the entire tuple, each byte as a bytes string along with the exception (you will probably need to decode it with .decode("utf-8")). To access it, use something like "except URLs.DownloadError as output:" and then it will be saved as variable output """ class NonexistentUrl(BaseException): """ Provides the URL that was tried along with the exception. To access it, use something like "except URLs.NonexistentUrl as url:" and then it will be saved as variable url """ class URL: """ You CAN change variables inside this! For example, to archive a specific url, instead of calling GetURL just change instance.url = "id" NOTE: The url variable DOES NOT contain the, or the https, or http, or anything! For example, id 62hd would turn into """ def __init__(self, provider="", filename="file.json"): self.pos = 0 self.filename = filename self.GetConfig() self.provider = provider self.url = "" self.chars = [] temp_str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".upper() + "1234567890" for character in temp_str: self.chars.append(character) del temp_str #self.incremental = incremental def GetURL(self, urlRange=(1,10), provider="", forceSet=None): if forceSet is not None: self.url = forceSet return self.url # if self.incremental: # incrementData = self.GetIncremental() # self.url = incrementData[0] # if incrementData[1] == 1: # return self.url # for i in range(0,incrementData[1] - 1): # self.url += self.GetIncremental()[0] while self.url in list(self.urls) or self.url == "": self.url = "" for i in range(0,random.randint(*urlRange)): self.url += chr(random.choice((random.randint(65,90), random.randint(97,122), random.randint(48,57)))) #first one is uppercase; 2nd is lowercase; 3rd: numbers return self.url def GetConfig(self, retconfig=False): """ param retconfig (deprecated): Returns the dictionary. **This may use a LOT of ram, and will substantially slow things down** """ try: with open("file.json") as file: self.urls = json.load(file) except Exception: self.urls = {} if retconfig: return self.urls def GetDownload(self): self.j = subprocess.Popen(["""curl -w "%%{redirect_url}" -ILsS %s/%s -o /dev/null --max-redirs 1"""%(self.provider,self.url)], shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # and self.output = self.j.communicate() if self.j.returncode != 0: if self.j.returncode != 47: raise DownloadError(self.output) return self.output, self.url, self.j.returncode GetResult = GetDownload def WriteFile(self): self.urls[self.url] = self.output[0].decode("utf-8").split('\n')[0].replace("\n","") if self.urls[self.url] == f"{self.url}" or self.urls[self.url] == f"{self.url}" or self.urls[self.url] == f"{self.url}" or self.urls[self.url] == "": raise NonexistentUrl(self.url) with open(self.filename,"w+") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.urls)) # def GetIncremental(self): # raise NotImplementedError # try: # self.pos += 1 # if self.char[self.pos] == "0": # self.lengthpos += 1 # self.pos = 0 # return (self.char[self.pos], self.length[self.lengthpos]) # except (NameError, AttributeError) as ename: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() # self.char = [] # for item in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890": # self.char.append(item) # self.length = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) # self.pos = 0 # self.lengthpos = 0 # return (self.char[self.pos],self.length[self.lengthpos]) def wrapper(): """ Example wrapper """ try: with open("provider") as file: prov = except Exception: prov = "" datums = URL(provider=prov) #create instance datums.GetURL((1,25)) #get a random url with a length from 1 to 6 print(f"Pinging URL {datums.url}") #you can also modify datums.url, you can use that for tracker stuff (just make a wrapper that changes this variable as necessary instead of running GetURL()) datums.GetDownload() #download the url datums.WriteFile() #write to json file main = wrapper if __name__ == "__main__": main()